
Further information on many topics around modern heating technology as well as other topics of the industry can be found on these campaign websites

Residential ventilation

Campaign „Luftsprung“ for home ventilation

There are various versions of home ventilation that differ in their technology and functionality. Depending on the construction situation or intended use, you will always find the right ventilation system to achieve the desired result. On this page you can find out about what distinguishes the individual home ventilation and which system meets your personal requirements.

OnlineCheck Wohnungslüftung

With modern construction or after a renovation, buildings are very airtight. If used indoor air is not regularly exchanged for fresh air, there is a risk of damage due to moisture and mold. Using "OnlineCheck Wohnungslüftung" (Online check residential ventilation), planners, architects and owners of new buildings and well-renovated old buildings can check whether additional ventilation measures are required with just a few clicks.

Information portal on "Hygiene in home ventilation"

For buildings that have been built or renovated according to current regulations, only a ventilation system can ensure the required air exchange. In order to not let such a ventilation system become a health risk for the residents of the house, certain requirements for maintenance and plant hygiene must be observed. You will find out everything you need to know on the information portal on "Hygiene in home ventilation"

Heat distribution

Information portal radiator exchange

As a builder or a homeowner, you want a comfortable indoor climate with an efficient heating system and sophisticated design? The portal shows practical examples for modern radiators.

Information portal Thermal Comfort

Thermal comfort does not come naturally. It can be achieved if suitable construction and plant engineering solutions are sensibly combined. What you have to pay attention to is available on the information portal Thermal Comfort.

Information portal underfloor heating and surface cooling

The desire for a comfortable living space has meant that surface heating / cooling has become increasingly important in space heating / cooling. In addition, the lowest possible energy consumption of the building is important to many building owners. Find out everything here around the topic of surface heating and surface cooling.

Components of modern heating technology

Pro chimney initiative

A chimney is indispensable for almost all modern heating technology when it comes to achieving flexibility and independence through economical heating solutions in new buildings. Further information is available on the portal.

Information portal Sunny heating

On these pages you will find everything you need to know about the operation, advantages and promotion of solar thermal systems as well as energy labeling (ErP) / Ecodesign Directive and the use of solar thermal in modernization.

Öltankschau, an initiative of the Department Fuel Tank Systems in the BDH

With the Öltankschau app, specialists get a tool to quickly and easily evaluate a fuel-consuming system. This helps the owner in fulfilling their extended obligations under the AwSV regulations.

Wood Heat Initiative

Wood energy and wood heat are indispensable as climate-, economy- and consumer-friendly forms of energy. On the portal, the Wood Heat Initiative provides facts about wood as an energy source, illustrates the potential of using wood for heat generation and informs about current trends in the field.

Heating modernisation and funding

Intelligent heizen – comprehensive information

The information campaign "Intelligent heizen" (Heating intelligently) is a service by the Forum for Energy Efficiency in Building Technology (VDZ). The main effort of the campaign is the website of "Intelligent heizen". Building owners will receive up-to-date information on the optimal use of modern and efficient heating and ventilation technology in living areas.

Training in HVAC and plumbing

"Time to start!": The nationwide training initiative for professions in HVAC and plumbing

TIME TO START shows the many opportunities offered by a job in HVAC and plumbing. Young people learn more about everyday working life, for example in four short films. The videos show which materials and tools trainees work with and what a working day can look like.

Free choice of heating technology

Campaign "Free Heating" - Heating independently, individually and environmentally friendly!

Already in over 1,000 German cities and municipalities, the free choice of heat generation for builders and homeowners has become extremely limited or no longer possible, trend increasing. The municipalities impose so-called "incineration bans" on heating systems, primarily in new construction areas but also in modernization projects, and issue corresponding "connection constraints" to local and district heating networks. The campaign provides information about the advantages of decentralized heat supply.

Digital planning and construction

Mittelstand 4.0 competence centre planning and construction

Mittelstand Digital informs small and medium-sized enterprises about the opportunities and challenges of digitalisation. The government-supported competence centres provide support with expert knowledge, demonstration centres, good practice examples as well as networks that facilitate the exchange of knowledge. The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action enables the free use of all services offered by Mittelstand Digital.